CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE EAST - Archdiocese of Saint James the Apostle
Catholic Church of the East
Archdiocese of Saint James the Apostle
Saint Ann's Cathedral
The Most Rev. Ramzi R. Musallam Bishop 
Rev. Father Walter Turoczy Assistant
Rev. Floyd Kimmel
Brother Keith Frey
 912 West Market St.
Pottsville, PA 17901
 Cathedral Office: 570-313-2898 
      OFFICE HOURS        
Monday & Wednesday 9a. - 4:00P.M.
Holy Masses
Weekdays: Mondays & Wednesdays 
Rosary 10:00a.m.
10:30a.m. Arabic & English
Rosary is prayed before all Masses
Novena to Saint Ann is said after all Masses
Confessions are scheduled before all Masses and upon request.
Cathedral Thrift Shop
Open on Saturdays 
First Friday of every Month
Holy Mass is celebrated at 12:00P.M. followed by Benedication to the Most Blessed Sacrament. Please call the Parish Office if a member wishes to receive Holy Eucharist if they are homebond.
The Sacrament of the Sick
Is celebrated upon request by calling the Church offfice.
The Sacrament of Baptism
The Christian Community joyously welcomes new members. Please call the Parish Office to began arrangments.
Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
We welcome couples who would like to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage. Couples are requested to contact the Parish Office at least six months in advanice and prior to making any other arrangements.
Parish Membership
New Members are always welcome. Please call or come to the Office to register.
Are you a member of a Church? 
Do you want to belong to a Traditional Catholic Church that teaches and follows the True Church based on Orthodox Faith?
If yes then the Catholic Church of the East is your home. You can call our Church to register your membership.
You can be added on our prayer list or you may want to receive information about our Church? 
Please complete the requested information below and we will  contact you very soon.
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